Generated code - Field expressions and aggregates
It is sometimes necessary to use Aggregate functions (when a GroupByCollection is used) and / or expressions. This section describes both elements, aggregate
functions and expressions, for the purposes they can be used in. Not all possibilities are described, as the functionality is useful in a lot of different
scenario's. This section illustrates the most common usage of the expression functionality and the aggregate functions. Not all aggregate functions are
supported on all supported databases as not all functions have a native statement on those databases. Examples are given in code which is applicable for
both SelfServicing and Adapter, unless stated otherwise.
Aggregate functions
Aggregate functions are the functions which can be used in combination with group by statements. Aggregate functions can be applied to a field, by specifying
the aggregate function as the AggregateFunctionToApply for a given field object. When a field object (an IEntityField instance (selfservicing) or IEntityField2
instance (adapter)) has an aggregate function applied to itself, the field will end up in the query as the field with the aggregate function applied to itself.
Example (selfservicing, however for adapter it works the same):
// C#
ResultsetFields fields = new ResultsetFields(2);
fields.DefineField(CustomerFieldIndex.Country, 0, "Country");
fields.DefineField(CustomerFieldIndex.CustomerID, 1, "AmountCustomers");
fields[1].AggregateFunctionToApply = AggregateFunction.CountDistinct;
Dim fields As New ResultsetFields(2)
fields.DefineField(CustomerFieldIndex.Country, 0, "Country")
fields.DefineField(CustomerFieldIndex.CustomerID, 1, "AmountCustomers")
fields(1).AggregateFunctionToApply = AggregateFunction.CountDistinct
This dynamic list (see for more information about dynamic lists these sections: for
SelfServicing, for
is suitable for retrieving the number of customers per country. For simplicity, the aggregate function is applied directly on the field, not specified with the
DefineField() overload which accepts an AggregateFunction.
Because the aggregate function CountDistinct is applied to the second field in the column, the field's representation in the select list of the SELECT query
will change. Instead of the normal (SqlServer is used as an example) "[dbo].[Customer].[CustomerID] AS [CustomerID]" it will become
"COUNT(DISTINCT [dbo].[Customer].[CustomerID]) AS [AmountCustomers]". If you then also specify a GroupByCollection which groups on the first field, Country,
the data retrieved will contain per country the number of customers originating from that country. See the dynamic list sections for details about retrieving
dynamic list data.
Supported aggregate functions
Below you'll find a table with all the aggregate functions currently supported by LLBLGen Pro. Not all of these functions are supported by all databases,
Firebird doesn't support the StDev function for example. All aggregate functions use the field they're applied to as the argument of the function, except the
Count aggregate function, which ignores the field it is applied to and will result in a COUNT(*). With
field the IEntityField / IEntityField2 object is
meant the aggregate function is applied to.
AggregateFunction value |
Description |
Remarks |
None |
No aggregate function applied (default) |
Just the fieldname, no wrapper function |
Avg |
Calculates the average value for the field. |
AVG(field) |
works on numeric fields (decimal / int / float / byte / etc.) only |
AvgDistinct |
Calculates the average value for the distinct values for field. |
works on numeric fields (decimal / int / float / byte / etc.) only |
Count |
Calculates the number of rows for field. |
COUNT(field) |
CountDistinct |
Calculates the number of rows with distinct values for field. |
CountRow |
Calculates the number of rows. |
COUNT(*) |
CountBig |
Same as Count but now as 64bit value, if
supported by target RDBMS. Otherwise same as Count |
COUNT_BIG(field) |
Only supported on SQL Server 2005+ |
CountBigDistinct |
Same as CountDistinct but now as 64bit value,,
if supported by target RDBMS. Otherwise same as CountDistinct |
Only supported on SQL Server 2005+ |
CountBigRow |
Same as CountRow but now as 64bit value, if
supported by target RDBMS. Otherwise same as CountRow |
Only supported on SQL Server 2005+ |
Max |
Calculates the max value for field. |
MAX(field) |
works on numeric fields (decimal / int / float / byte / etc.) only |
Min |
Calculates the min value for field. |
MIN(field) |
works on numeric fields (decimal / int / float / byte / etc.) only |
Sum |
Calculates the sum of all values of field. |
SUM(field) |
works on numeric fields (decimal / int / float / byte / etc.) only |
SumDistinct |
Calculates the sum of all distinct values of field. |
works on numeric fields (decimal / int / float / byte / etc.) only |
StDev |
Calculates statistical standard deviation for the values of field. |
SqlServer: STDEV(field)
Oracle: STDDEV(field)
Access: STDEV(field) |
works on floating point fields (float / single / etc.) only |
StDevDistinct |
Calculates statistical standard deviation for the distinct values of field. |
Oracle: STDDEV(DISTINCT field) |
works on floating point fields (float / single / etc.) only |
Variance |
Calculates statistical variance for the values of field. |
SqlServer: VAR(field)
Oracle: VARIANCE(field)
Access: VAR(field) |
works on floating point fields (float / single / etc.) only |
VarianceDistinct |
Calculates statistical variance over the distinct values of field. |
Oracle: VARIANCE(DISTINCT field) |
works on floating point fields (float / single / etc.) only |
When the field also has an expression object applied to it, the expression will be evaluated first and will become the parameter for the aggregate function,
instead of the field.
Aggregate functions in scalar queries
You can also execute scalar queries, to retrieve a single value, for example the total sum of the prices of the products of a given order. The following
example illustrates such a query, using the AggregateFunction.Sum aggregate to calculate the total price for the order 10254. It uses an expression to
calculate the product price (quantity * unitprice) which is then aggregated with Sum. The field used in the scalar query is not important, as it is
replaced by the expression in the actual query anyway.
// C#
OrderDetailsCollection orderDetails = new OrderDetailsCollection();
decimal orderPrice = (decimal)orderDetails.GetScalar(OrderDetailsFieldIndex.OrderId,
(OrderDetailsFields.Quantity * OrderDetailsFields.UnitPrice), AggregateFunction.Sum,
(OrderDetailsFIelds.OrderId == 10254));
Dim orderDetails As New OrderDetailsCollection()
Dim orderPrice As Decimal = CDec(orderDetails.GetScalar(OrderDetailsFieldIndex.OrderId, _
(OrderDetailsFields.Quantity * OrderDetailsFields.UnitPrice), AggregateFunction.Sum, _
(OrderDetailsFIelds.OrderId == 10254)))
// C#
DataAccessAdapter adapter = new DataAccessAdapter();
decimal orderPrice = (decimal)adapter.GetScalar(OrderDetailsFields.OrderId,
(OrderDetailsFields.Quantity * OrderDetailsFields.UnitPrice), AggregateFunction.Sum,
(OrderDetailsFIelds.OrderId == 10254));
Dim adapter As DataAccessAdapter = New DataAccessAdapter()
Dim orderPrice As Decimal = CDec(adapter.GetScalar(OrderDetailsFields.OrderId,
(OrderDetailsFields.Quantity * OrderDetailsFields.UnitPrice), AggregateFunction.Sum,
(OrderDetailsFIelds.OrderId == 10254)))
Expressions are objects which specify a graph of nested actions which are executed in the database during a query. Expressions allow you to specify powerful
operations on fields which would otherwise require a stored procedure or view or a lot of entity processing outside of the database. Expression objects
can be re-used, which makes them ideal objects for caching in your application so you don't have to write a lot of code to perform common operations.
The usage of Expression objects can be divided in three groups: expressions in select list, expressions in predicates and expressions in entity updates. Each
group will be discussed in detail below. Keep in mind that with this functionality, you can write very powerful queries with very little code directly in C#
or VB.NET so not every situation you are able to use expressions in is explained below. LLBLGen Pro offers you to use various elements in an expression:
not only values and EntityField(2) objects, but also database function calls (DbFunctionCall objects, see:
Generated code - Calling a database function) and scalar queries, see below:
Scalar query expressions. So everywhere you see
Expression or
IExpression you can use a DbFunctionCall
or ScalarQueryExpression as well.
The different types of expressions you can produce are:
- Field
- Field ExOp Field
- Field ExOp Value
- Field ExOp Expression
- Value ExOp Field
- Value ExOp Expression
- Expression ExOp Field
- Expression ExOp Expression
- Expression ExOp Value
All values are transformed into parameters before the query is executed to prevent SQL injection attacks. The Expression class offers for each expression type
a constructor for easy creation of an Expression object. An expression is build up using LeftOperand operator RightOperand, and in the case of 'Field' the
operator and RightOperand are not available/not defined. Each expression is surrounded by '()' for easy nesting and proper separation of actions. When you
specify a Field object and the Field object (IEntityField instance (SelfServicing) or IEntityField2 instance (Adapter)) has an Expression object applied to
itself already, the Field will be replaced by the Expression applied to it in the Sql query. You can apply an Expression object to a field by setting the field's
ExpressionToApply property to the Expression class instance. Fields in an expression can be any field in the set of fields in the query, so if you specify
a RelationCollection with your query, all fields of the different entities referred by the relations in the RelationCollection are available for an
expression. You can thus create multi-entity spanning expressions.
ExOp is the expression operator enum definition and contains the following values: for arithmetic operations: Add, Div, Mul, Sub and Mod (modulo). For
logical operations: And and Or. For comparison operations: Equal, GreaterEqual, GreaterThan, LessEqual, LesserThan, NotEqual. For bitwise operations:
BitwiseOr, BitwiseAnd and BitwiseXor. The bitwise operations are for SqlServer or PostgreSql only.
Expressions in select lists
Besides the GetScalar usage of expressions in select lists, as was illustrated in the previous paragraph about Aggregate functions, expressions are very
useful in select lists of dynamic lists and other selects / data retrieval actions. The GroupBy / Having example found in the typed list / typed view
section of this documentation
Selfservicing, for
Adapter), illustrates how to use expressions to calculate values in the
select statement, when the query is executed, before the data is loaded into the object, in this case a DataTable. Generally speaking, when a field object has an
expression applied to it, it will be replaced by the SQL representing the expression. The field itself is not added to the Expression's SQL. You'll use
Expression objects with dynamically created lists most of the time, or with scalar queries.
A more simpler example of using an expression in a select list is given below. It's a simple query which contains the orderid, productid and the row total.
The row total is the result of the expression OrderDetails.UnitPrice * OrderDetails.Quantity.
We're after the following query:
-- SQL
(UnitPrice * Quantity) AS RowTotal
FROM [Order Details]
This query can be generated and fetched using the following code:
// C#
ResultsetFields fields = new ResultsetFields(3);
fields.DefineField(OrderDetailsFields.OrderID, 0);
fields.DefineField(OrderDetailsFields.ProductID, 1);
fields.DefineField(new EntityField("RowTotal",
(OrderDetailsFields.UnitPrice * OrderDetailsFields.Quantity)), 2);
DataTable results = new DataTable();
TypedListDAO dao = new TypedListDAO();
dao.GetMultiAsDataTable(fields, results, 0, null, null, null, true, null, null, 0, 0);
Dim fields As New ResultsetFields(3)
fields.DefineField(OrderDetailsFields.OrderID, 0)
fields.DefineField(OrderDetailsFields.ProductID, 1)
fields.DefineField(New EntityField("RowTotal", _
New Expression(OrderDetailsFields.UnitPrice, ExOp.Mul, OrderDetailsFields.Quantity)), 2)
Dim results As New DataTable()
Dim dao As New TypedListDAO()
dao.GetMultiAsDataTable(fields, results, 0, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, True, Nothing, Nothing, 0, 0)
// C#
ResultsetFields fields = new ResultsetFields(3);
fields.DefineField(OrderDetailsFields.OrderID, 0);
fields.DefineField(OrderDetailsFields.ProductID, 1);
fields.DefineField(new EntityField2("RowTotal",
(OrderDetailsFields.UnitPrice * OrderDetailsFields.Quantity)), 2);
DataTable results = new DataTable();
DataAccessAdapter adapter = new DataAccessAdapter();
adapter.FetchTypedList(fields, results, null);
Dim fields As New ResultsetFields(3)
fields.DefineField(OrderDetailsFields.OrderID, 0)
fields.DefineField(OrderDetailsFields.ProductID, 1)
fields.DefineField(New EntityField2("RowTotal", _
New Expression(OrderDetailsFields.UnitPrice, ExOp.Mul, OrderDetailsFields.Quantity)), 2)
Dim results As New DataTable()
Dim adapter As New DataAccessAdapter()
adapter.FetchTypedList(fields, results, Nothing)
The 3rd field in the resultsetfields object is defined using a constructor call to EntityField(2), which
creates a new EntityField(2) object with the name specified and with the expression passed in, in this example the expression
OrderDetails.UnitPrice * OrderDetails.Quantity.
After that, it's simply fetching a normal Dynamic List.
Expressions in predicates
Expressions in predicates offer a very flexible way of creating powerful filters. The first way of using expressions in filters is by using the
FieldCompareExpressionPredicate class
SelfServicing, for
Adapter). It offers you a way to compare a field with another field,
with an arithmetic operation on a field or a group of fields and a lot of variations on this. As Expressions can be applied to fields and will replace the
field in the query, you can also apply an Expression object to the field which is compared to the expression, or to the field in any of the predicate
classes. If you want to perform the following WHERE clause: WHERE (field1 + field2) > (field3 * field4), you can do this as follows: You need two
expressions (one for each expression in the clause) and one predicate class, the FieldCompareExpressionPredicate class. The complete clause can be described
as: left operand > right operand. For each operand we'll construct an expression object.
// C#
IExpression leftOperand = new Expression(MyEntityFields.Field1, ExOp.Add, MyEntityFields.Field2);
IExpression rightOperand = new Expression(
MyEntityFields.Field3, ExOp.Mul, MyEntityFields.Field4);
EntityField field = MyEntityFields.Field1.SetExpression(leftOperand);
IPredicate filter = FieldCompareExpressionPredicate(field, ExOp.GreaterThan, rightOperand);
// which is equal to:
IPredicate filter = ((MyEntityFields.Field1 + MyEntityFields.Field2) >
MyEntityFields.Field3 * MyEntityFields.Field4));
Dim leftOperand As New Expression(MyEntityFields.Field1, ExOp.Add, MyEntityFields.Field2)
Dim rightOperand As New Expression(MyEntityFields.Field3, ExOp.Mul, MyEntityFields.Field4)
Dim field As EntityField = MyEntityFields.Field1.SetExpression(leftOperand)
Dim filter As IPredicate = FieldCompareExpressionPredicate(field, ExOp.GreaterThan, rightOperand)
' which is equal to (VB.NET 2005)
Dim filter As IPredicate = ((MyEntityFields.Field1 + MyEntityFields.Field2) > _
MyEntityFields.Field3 * MyEntityFields.Field4))
// C#
IExpression leftOperand = new Expression(MyEntityFields.Field1, ExOp.Add, MyEntityFields.Field2);
IExpression rightOperand = new Expression(
MyEntityFields.Field3, ExOp.Mul, MyEntityFields.Field4);
IEntityField2 field = MyEntityFields.Field1.SetExpression(leftOperand);
IPredicate filter = FieldCompareExpressionPredicate(field, null, ExOp.GreaterThan, rightOperand);
// which is equal to:
IPredicate filter = ((MyEntityFields.Field1 + MyEntityFields.Field2) >
MyEntityFields.Field3 * MyEntityFields.Field4));
Dim leftOperand As New Expression(MyEntityFields.Field1, ExOp.Add, MyEntityFields.Field2)
Dim rightOperand As New Expression(MyEntityFields.Field3, ExOp.Mul, MyEntityFields.Field4)
Dim field As EntityField2 = MyEntityFields.Field1.SetExpression(leftOperand)
Dim filter As IPredicate = FieldCompareExpressionPredicate(field, Nothing, ExOp.GreaterThan, rightOperand)
' which is equal to (VB.NET 2005)
Dim filter As IPredicate = ((MyEntityFields.Field1 + MyEntityFields.Field2) > _
MyEntityFields.Field3 * MyEntityFields.Field4))
You can also use this functionalty with all the other predicate classes defined in LLBLGen Pro.
Expressions in entity updates
Updating entities directly in the database is one of the features LLBLGen Pro offers you. You can easily update sets of entities in one query without
the necessity of fetching the entities first. With an Expression applied to a field, the update queries can be even more powerful. Say you are in a
generous mood and you want to update the salary of all employees with 10%? With an expression this is done in a single query. You can of course add
filters to limit the scope of the update if you want. The following example illustrates the 10% salary increase. It uses the technique discussed in the
entity collection section of SelfServicing, or
as option 3 in
modifying an entity using Adapter)
// C#
EmployeeEntity employee = new EmployeeEntity();
employee.Fields[(int)EmployeeFieldIndex.Salary].ExpressionToApply =
(EmployeeFields.Salary + (EmployeeFields.Salary * 0.01f));
EmployeeCollection employees = new EmployeeCollection();
// no filter is specified, everybody gets 10% extra, but you could of course
// specify a filter to limit the scope of the update.
employees.UpdateMulti(employee, null);
Dim employee As New EmployeeEntity()
employee.Fields(CInt(EmployeeFieldIndex.Salary)).ExpressionToApply = _
(EmployeeFields.Salary + (EmployeeFields.Salary * 0.01f))
Dim employees As New EmployeeCollection()
' no filter is specified, everybody gets 10% extra, but you could of course
' specify a filter to limit the scope of the update.
employees.UpdateMulti(employee, Nothing)
// C#
EmployeeEntity employee = new EmployeeEntity();
employee.Fields[(int)EmployeeFieldIndex.Salary].ExpressionToApply =
(EmployeeFields.Salary + (EmployeeFields.Salary * 0.01f));
DataAccessAdapter adapter = new DataAccessAdapter();
// no filter is specified, everybody gets 10% extra, but you could of course
// specify a filter to limit the scope of the update.
adapter.UpdateEntitiesDirectly(employee, null);
Dim employee As New EmployeeEntity()
employee.Fields(CInt(EmployeeFieldIndex.Salary)).ExpressionToApply = _
(EmployeeFields.Salary + (EmployeeFields.Salary * 0.01f))
Dim adapter As DataAccessAdapter = New DataAccessAdapter()
' no filter is specified, everybody gets 10% extra, but you could of course
' specify a filter to limit the scope of the update.
adapter.UpdateEntitiesDirectly(employee, Nothing)
Scalar query expressions
Sometimes it is necessary to use a so called
scalar query as part of an Expression or a scalar query which could be used as an Expression. A scalar query is
a select statement which returns a single value. An example of a scalar query is the NumerOfOrders value in the following simple query:
-- SQL
SELECT CustomerID,
FROM Orders
WHERE CustomerID = Customers.CustomerID
) AS NumberOfOrders
FROM Customers
This query returns all CustomerID's and per CustomerID the number of orders for that customer. The select statement which fetches the NumberOfOrders is in fact a
class in the select list: set the ExpressionToApply property of the second field in the ResultsetFields to an instance of the ScalarQueryExpression class and
at the spot of the field, the scalar query expression is placed, similar to including a normal expression in a select list, as shown before in the paragraph about
expressions in selectlists.
// C#
ResultsetFields fields = new ResultsetFields(2);
fields.DefineField(CustomerFields.CustomerID, 0);
fields.DefineField(new EntityField("NumberOfOrders",
new ScalarQueryExpression(OrderFields.OrderId.SetAggregateFunction(AggregateFunction.Count),
(CustomerFields.CustomerId == OrderFields.CustomerId))), 1);
DataTable results = new DataTable();
TypedListDAO dao = new TypedListDAO();
dao.GetMultiAsDataTable(fields, results, 0, null, null, null, true, null, null, 0, 0);
Dim fields As New ResultsetFields(2)
fields.DefineField(CustomerFields.CustomerID, 0)
fields.DefineField(New EntityField("NumberOfOrders", _
New ScalarQueryExpression(OrderFields.OrderId.SetAggregateFunction(AggregateFunction.Count), _
(CustomerFields.CustomerId = OrderFields.CustomerId))), 1)
Dim results As New DataTable()
Dim dao As New TypedListDAO()
dao.GetMultiAsDataTable(fields, results, 0, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, True, Nothing, Nothing, 0, 0)
// C#
ResultsetFields fields = new ResultsetFields(2);
fields.DefineField(CustomerFields.CustomerID, 0);
fields.DefineField(new EntityField2("NumberOfOrders",
new ScalarQueryExpression(OrderFields.OrderId.SetAggregateFunction(AggregateFunction.Count),
(CustomerFields.CustomerId == OrderFields.CustomerId))), 1);
DataTable results = new DataTable();
DataAccessAdapter adapter = new DataAccessAdapter();
adapter.FetchTypedList(fields, results, null);
Dim fields As New ResultsetFields(2)
fields.DefineField(CustomerFields.CustomerID, 0)
fields.DefineField(New EntityField2("NumberOfOrders", _
New ScalarQueryExpression(OrderFields.OrderId.SetAggregateFunction(AggregateFunction.Count), _
(CustomerFields.CustomerId = OrderFields.CustomerId))), 1)
Dim results As New DataTable()
Dim adapter As New DataAccessAdapter()
adapter.FetchTypedList(fields, results, Nothing)
Similar to the Dynamic List fetch with an expression described earlier in this section, this routine too uses an EntityField(2) object with an expression, this
time the ScalarQueryExpression object. A filter is defined to bind the subquery to the containing query, as well as the field to return by the ScalarQueryExpression,
in this case OrderEntity.OrderId with the Count aggregate function applied to it.
ScalarQueryExpression has more overloads, which accept a relationcollection, sortexpression and also a GroupByCollection. A ScalarQueryExpression automatically
performs a TOP 1 on the resultset, so you can specify a query which actually doesn't return a single value: the generated SQL will make sure there'll be just
one value returned by the scalar query so the containing SELECT statement won't fail at runtime.